Kingdom Come
Today, we find ourselves living in a time of uncertainty. Our world faces unprecedented challenges that affect us all. Can we find certainty in the times we’re living in? Is there anything left we can put our trust in? Can God and His Word be trusted when it comes to our global future?

Epic documentary trilogy where the story reaches its climax in our own time.
Epic documentary trilogy where the story reaches its climax in our own time.
Epic documentary trilogy where the story reaches its climax in our own time.
Today, we find ourselves living in a time of uncertainty. Our world faces unprecedented challenges that affect us all. Can we find certainty in the times we’re living in? Is there anything left we can put our trust in? Can God and His Word be trusted when it comes to our global future?
You are invited to go on one of the most exciting journeys of your life as we explore three prophecies that God gave throughout history.
Beginning with a prophecy given to an ancient king through a dream some 2500 years ago — a dream that clearly and precisely outlines the destiny of humanity.
The prophecy in Daniel 2 has withstood the test of time. Many of the world’s most powerful military generals and rulers have sought to undo what God foretold two-and-a-half millennia ago. Without exception, all have failed. This prophecy is about to reach its climax and ultimate fulfillment with the establishment of the final, eternal Kingdom — a Kingdom God will establish; a Kingdom in which love, peace and justice will rule forevermore.

Korrekt utregning, men feil tolkning. Det endte med sorg, smerte og motløshet. Slik begynner fortellingen om Syvendedags Adventistkirken.
Er det noen som har forfalsket Bibelen i årenes løp? Få med deg historien om hvordan en av verdens eldste bibler ble oppdaget i et kloster langt inne i Sinaiørkenen.
Den svenske TV-serien «Stridens Hopp» er en serie som tar deg med bak kulissene i striden mellom godt og ondt. Denne kampen er det sentrale temaet i Åpenbaringens bok, den siste boken i Bibelen.
Hva er det som skjer? Hvor er vi på vei? Har noen kontroll? Verden står overfor store sosiale, miljømessige og økonomiske utfordringer.